Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Feeling unmotivated? Sue Sylvester wouldn't sit on the couch...

I'm feeling entirely unmotivated tonight. I'm taking a night off from training and I feel like a complete slug. It doesn't feel like well deserved rest like I usually feel. After a weekend of hard training but unhealthy eating, I'm left feeling tired and kind of "off" right now and guilty for taking the night off. I know that Sue Sylvester wouldn't be sitting on the couch posting on a blog like I am right now. Nope, she'd be out doing one armed push ups, running, biking, swimming and what not. She'd probably be blowing a whistle also and shouting obscenities. Maybe that is the key... maybe we all need to shout obscenities at ourselves every once in a while to get our buts off of our couches [contrary to Dr. Oz and Oprah's warm and fuzzy love yourself approach which is really for the birds].

I guess it all comes down to what your routine is and what you eat. It's funny, even with all of the exercise in the world, if you don't eat right, the math still doesn't work out quite right if you're not fueling yourself right. A lot of people have the misperception that athletes can eat whatever they want (perpetuated partly by the Michael Phelps diet). But it's not the case, as your body becomes more efficient and in shape, it needs fewer calories to accomplish the same amount of work. Michael Phelps only consumes insane amounts of calories when he is competing and ramping up his daily routine for a race.

While I'm on the lesbian female role model track, I would like to mention that Suze Orman would still be proud of me, so at least I have that today. I brought my own lunch and snacks to work today, and didn't even buy a coffee. I actually did not spend any money on food today (a feat for me, since I work in a building attached to a grocery store and in a neighborhood with great restaurants). The brown rice, chicken and black bean burritos that I posted about earlier in the day were delicious. They were a little on the dry side, but I think the avocado will help (and maybe a little more lemon juice). Unfortunately the avocados are still rock hard (that's the one thing about Trader Joe's, you really just never know what you're going to get with their produce. Anyway, the moral of this post is to always remember Sue & Suze when you loose motivation.

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